Welcome to Silver Dragon Studios!
Posted on: 21 Jun 2013
Category: Personal
Hello, Internet people, and welcome to Silver Dragon Studios!
My name is Anthony Greenwood, better known by my online moniker Sean Powers, and I'm a web designer based in Southport, England. I've been designing and building websites as a hobbyist since 2005, until some friends convinced me to turn my hobby into a career. In addition to web design, I also do a bit of writing in my spare time, as well as manage my Freya Crescent shrine, the Realm of Eternal Rain.
This website was originally designed for a proposed freelance business that I wanted to set up, after an e-magazine took interest in some of my work and offered me advertising space in return for my services. Unfortunately, the freelance idea fell through, and I was forced to pull out of the advertising deal, so for now sean-powers.com will serve as an online portfolio for my work, until I've gained enough real-world experience in the field and decide which direction I want to take my career in.
In addition to my web design hobby, sean-powers.com will become my new depository for my doings on the internet. All of my writing (finished and works-in-progress), my misadventures in fitness and exercising, as well as movie and gaming reviews. Heck, I might even make a blog post or two about my mom's bakery (assuming it doesn't kill me!). Everything will be right here for your viewing pleasure.
This website is still under construction, as I've only created enough dynamic content to allow blog posts for now. I do intend to add more feature in the future, such as an RSS feed, a more dynamic portfolio, social sharing tools, among others. I don't know yet. But what experience has taught me is that the more you talk about doing something, the less likely you're going to do it. So in this case, I'll leave you all in the dark about the future of this site.
Rest assured, dear readers, the best is yet to come. That's a promise. Or a threat. Or both. I guess it depends if you like me or not ;)
Excelzior and all that gubbons,
- Sean Powers
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