New Website, and Testimonials!
Posted on: 03 Jul 2013
Category: Web Design
Hey guys!
After almost a week of slaving away at Dreamweaver and Photoshop (not that I'm really complaining mind you - I love this job!), I've finally built my first customer's website, Effinjay.com! The clients Jeremy Works and Marc LePine - better known as musicians Frogg and Jaycatt (or Effinjay for short) - wanted to replace their old site with something a bit more modern looking, and asked me to bring the design up to modern standards. I wasn't planning on gaining customers so soon, but I know Jaycatt personally from Second Life, and was happy to give him a hand in redesigning his site.
Needless to say, both clients are happy, and I'm quite pleased with how the final design turned out. Almost too well, if you ask me - I still feel a bit weirded out by how a website I made for a client looks better-designed than my own. Not that it's an inheriently bad thing, but hey - at least I'm improving day-by-day, right? ^.^'
Anyway, if you'd like to visit these guys, go over to www.effinjay.com, and tell them I said hi!
On a somewhat similar note, I plan on opening a Testimonials section in the near future. If you've been a past client, you will be able to leave feedback about my work and help spread the word about Silver Dragon Studios. Good reviews are great, but constructive critism is just as appreciated, and I'm always on the lookout for any areas for improvement I can find. So if you've worked with me before, you can tell everyone how awesome I am and give others a recommendation, or if I stink of beans and hammers* and tell everyone to avoid. Depends if you like me or not. :P
And in case you are wondering, I am still available for work, but only for small projects only. I want to build some level of confidence before tackling bigger, more complex projects (such as e-commerce - eeek!) and earn enough so I can quit my day job and get this freelance job off the ground at last. I have no idea how long that will be given the situation explained earlier, but with my first customer website completed, it looks like I'm already one step closer to making it a reality. :)
- Sean
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